Videowalls: Digital advertising in large format

Use video walls for your company to run targeted digital advertising in large format. In times of digitalization, visual communication has become a crucial component of successful marketing strategies. With this development, video walls and digital signage have become popular advertising media that are used in many different industries.


The large-format digital displays and LED walls allow you to convey your messages in an appealing and interactive way. As an experienced provider of digital signage solutions, conference room technology, media technology and other customized technology solutions, we are your No. 1 contact if you also want to buy and install video walls.

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 - Videowalls: Digital advertising in large format
Definition of video walls: Video walls vs. LED wall

Video walls, also known as video walls, are large format screens that consist of multiple display units that are combined into a single, seamless video wall. These displays can be based on LCD, LED or projector technology.


A video wall is characterized by its ability to display content in high resolution over a large area, which makes it ideal for presentations, advertising and the dissemination of information. An LED wall is a specific subcategory of video wall that consists of light-emitting diodes (LEDs). LEDs are tiny semiconductors that emit light when an electric current flows through them.


LED video walls offer several advantages over other possible technologies: In contrast to LCD or projector technology, LED walls impress with their special brightness, their vibrant colors and their long service life and are therefore ideal for outdoor use. Consequently, if you want to install a video wall outdoors, the use of LED technology is recommended.

Challenges of outdoor video walls

Outdoor billboards, especially digital and LED-based versions, present a number of challenges that need to be overcome. One of the biggest is weather resistance. Outdoor video walls must be able to withstand extreme conditions such as rain, snow, heat and UV radiation without compromising on functionality or image quality.


The technical design must therefore be as robust and durable as possible. Another critical point is brightness and legibility in direct sunlight: video walls must be designed in such a way that they remain clearly visible even in strong daylight. In addition, the installation of advertising panels requires special permits and site analyses to ensure that they are optimally placed and do not pose any safety risks.


The high energy consumption of permanently switched-on billboards and the associated operating costs are also an important point, especially in areas with high electricity prices. The continuous maintenance and technical support also presents a logistical challenge, as breakdowns or technical problems need to be rectified quickly to avoid advertising interruptions. Even if there are a few points to consider, outdoor video walls offer numerous advantages for digital advertising purposes.

Uses and advantages of LED advertising boards
  • High visibility: Video walls offer exceptional visibility due to their enormous size and brightness, making it possible to clearly recognize content even from a great distance.
  • Dynamic content: You can easily display videos, animations and interactive content, enabling a dynamic and engaging presentation.
  • Flexibility: Video walls can be installed in different configurations and sizes to adapt to different spatial requirements and design specifications.
  • High resolution: By combining multiple screens into one large display, video walls offer very high resolution and detail.
  • Customizable content: Content can be updated in real time, allowing for quick adaptation to current events or advertising campaigns.
  • Ruggedness: Modern video walls, especially LED walls, are robust and durable, making them ideal for use in demanding environments.

  • Extended reach: The impressive visual display power attracts attention and reaches a wide audience, increasing the reach of the message.

  • Branding and image: They improve the brand image and ensure a professional and modern appearance that increases the interest and trust of the target group.
Digital signage vs. video walls: differences and similarities

Digital signage and video walls are two related but different concepts in the field of digital display and communication technology. Digital signage comprises a wide range of digital screens that can be used in different locations for different purposes. Video walls, on the other hand, consist of several display units that are combined into a single large screen to create a seamless visual experience.

We at ComPeri are happy to equip you with high-quality video walls and digital signage solutions. Our services include the planning of customized technology solutions as well as their installation and regular maintenance. Have we aroused your interest? We look forward to hearing from you!


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