Media control

Media control: simple operation of complex multimedia systems

Media technology systems are complex systems made up of a large number of different components. The control system that controls all these components centrally is known as the media control system. The central task of the media control system is to control even highly complex AV media technology simply and conveniently via a central, freely programmable control element.

At the touch of a digital button on your touch panel, you can select the "presentation" scenario, for example. The projector is switched on automatically, the screen moves out and the light is dimmed. The desired content is displayed automatically and the sound is also set directly to the appropriate volume. When the presentation is finished and you disconnect your notebook from the table connection panel, the system switches off automatically after a predetermined period of time.

Control of the building technology

In addition, complex building technology can also be operated via the media control system. This includes lighting, heating, ventilation, air conditioning and security systems such as video surveillance systems and access control systems. If your conference room has a window front, for example, you can also ensure that the blinds are automatically lowered and the lighting is adjusted accordingly thanks to the central media control system when you start the presentation scenario.

Integrate AV and building technology into your IT infrastructure thanks to intelligent media control to monitor relevant processes in real time and record network activities. The result is optimized energy and cost efficiency. Targeted building management is thus additionally simplified.

We program, you operate - quickly, easily and intuitively.

In order for the media control system to function perfectly, the individual components need to be coordinated in detail. This work is anything but simple, which is why you should rely on a professional service provider with over 25 years of experience in the industry when installing media control systems. ComPeri will be happy to help you with this.

We create customized communication solutions that support your day-to-day work efficiently and intelligently network multimedia and building technology. Lean back, relax and let us program the desired operating functions and automatic sequences for you. We set up individual function sequences and can also integrate applications such as presentation software into your media control system on request. You operate the whole thing quickly, easily and intuitively via a user interface that we can adapt to your corporate design if required. We ensure that the customer does not adapt to the media technology, but that the media technology adapts to the customer.

Touch panel, tablet, smartphone - the right control element

With our intuitive, freely programmable user interfaces, rooms and systems of all types and sizes can be operated reliably, easily and safely. Especially for complex media technology with many integrated applications, central control via a touch panel is the ideal solution. The user interface has a particularly clear design and can be adapted or changed at any time. The function and design of the user interface can also be customized.

Touch panels are permanently installed and are therefore not mobile. It is therefore often worth combining them with a mobile device, e.g. a tablet PC. Media control via smartphone is also possible. We would be happy to advise you personally on the selection of the right control element.  

When is professional media control worthwhile

Media control is generally suitable for rooms and events of all types and sizes. Whether you want to equip a small conference room, a large congress center, a classroom or a hall, it doesn't matter. Every room type can benefit from intelligent media control. Thanks to our many years of experience in a wide range of industries, we are exactly the right partner for you. Our tailor-made solutions are suitable for the following industries, among others:


We are experts in media control systems from the world's leading providers:

  • Crestron: CP3, RMC3, CP3N, CP4-R, PRO3, DIN-AP3, MC4-R, AV3, MC4, MC4-R-TSR, MC4-R-HR, DIN-AP3MEX, MC4-R-I, CP3-GV, MC4-R-HR-I, CLX-DIN-AP3, PAC2M, MC4-R-TSR-I, CLX-DIN-AP3-HUB, MC4-I, CP4, CP4N, RMC4, DIN-AP4,
  • QSC: Q-SYS Plattform
  • Extron: MediaLink, IP Link und TouchLink
 - We are experts in media control systems from the world's leading providers:

The 360° media technology service from ComPeri

The correct installation and programming of media control is no easy task. As is so often the case: Many chefs spoil the broth. That's why you should rely on a professional provider for the integration of media control, who will take care of all the work for you.


ComPeri is such a provider. With our 360° media technology service, we are at your side with help and advice in all phases of your media technology equipment, from consulting and planning to installation and integration through to regular maintenance. We create individual service packages that are precisely tailored to your personal requirements and offer you manufacturer-independent advice, planning and the entire all-round service from a single source.


Our services go far beyond setting up your media control system. We support you in the complete planning of individual media technology room concepts. This also includes components such as presentation and video conferencing technology, signal management and the installation of room booking systems. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or are interested in our services. We will be happy to advise you!



Media control with ComPeri: Your benefits

  • Easy control of complex technology
  • First-class sound quality
  • Optimal presentation requirements at the touch of a button
  • Networking of multimedia and building technology
  • Individual room scenarios possible
  • We are Crestron Certified Programmer
 - Media control with ComPeri: Your benefits