4. stick to your own time constraints
To ensure that the online meeting runs smoothly and according to the schedule you have set in advance, you should start on time. Allow a time buffer of five minutes for delays, but otherwise do not wait any longer for any latecomers - that would not be fair to the other participants.
Follow your pre-defined structure: Questions should be considered, but do not deviate too far from your pre-defined structure. If a discussion is taking too long, move it to a later time and find a way back to your original schedule.
5. hold the online meeting in pairs
Especially for long meetings, it is best if you and at least one other person hold the meeting together so that you can take turns with the talking and the technical tasks. In online meetings, it is even more important than in face-to-face meetings to keep the attention of the participants. Distractions due to technical aspects, such as the use of PowerPoint slides, slow down the entire meeting. If possible, share these tasks with a second person and take turns.
6. Involve the participants and plan breaks
Request all participants to mute their microphones when they are not speaking to block out distracting background noise. Actively involve the meeting participants in the discussions, provide sufficient space for questions and break up your online meeting with breakout sessions among the participants, exercises and actual breaks.