Presentation techniques: 6 tips for a good presentation

With these six tips, you will succeed in giving a good presentation that captivates and convinces your audience. What used to be taught at school is now highly relevant for many in professional life: giving presentations. It is crucial to convey these convincingly and professionally in order to be successful.


As an experienced provider of high-quality presentation technology, we at ComPeri are the right partner to help you not only deliver good presentations, but also to impress people with the right techniques. To do this, we equip you with the right audio technology, video technology and software and provide you with the six best tips for giving a good presentation.


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 - Presentation techniques: 6 tips for a good presentation
1. clear structures and a common thread: The foundation for a convincing presentation

One of the most important presentation techniques is to structure your presentation clearly and logically. No matter who you want to convince, a presentation should always follow a common thread that guides your audience. Therefore, divide your presentation into three sections:


  • Introduction: Arouse the audience's interest and give an overview of the key points.
  • Main part: Present your main arguments and back them up with relevant data and examples.
  • Conclusion: Summarize the most important points once again and end with a clear call-to-action or a concise message.


2. know your target group

Before you give your presentation, you should take a close look at your target group. A presentation for your own business management requires a different approach than a presentation to a potential customer. Think about what information is particularly relevant for your audience and adapt your content accordingly. The right presentation techniques often depend on who your audience is and what they expect from a good presentation.


3. visual support: rely on appealing slides

„Less is more“ – this motto applies particularly to the design of presentation slides. Use visual aids to emphasize your messages, but avoid overloading them with text. Memorable images, clear graphics and targeted animations help to make your arguments clearer. Only use text where it is really necessary and make sure that your slides visually support what you are saying. In a good presentation, every slide should ideally be intelligible at a glance.


4. use body language as a presentation technique

In addition to the content of your presentation, the way in which you deliver it also plays a key role. Do not underestimate the importance of your body language, gestures and voice Make sure you have an open posture, eye contact and a lively intonation. Avoid monotonous speech and use targeted pauses to emphasize important statements. Speak as freely and confidently as possible and involve your audience in your presentation.


5. storytelling and examples as a presentation method

A very effective method for a good presentation is storytelling. Combine your facts and data with a relevant story or comprehensible examples. This allows you to arouse emotions in your audience and convey complex information in a simple way. In a business presentation in particular, you can use practical examples to anchor your core messages in a sustainable way.


6. presentation techniques – with the emphasis on technology

One of the most important preparatory measures for a good business presentation is to review your presentation technique. You should by no means underestimate the importance of smoothly functioning technical equipment. High-quality audio and video equipment and reliable presentation software are essential building blocks for conveying your messages clearly and professionally.



Especially if some of your colleagues or clients join your presentation online, you should make sure that you have high-quality video conferencing technology. Avoid frustration on the part of your audience due to poor picture, sound or internet quality. Clear audio ensures that your voice is easy to understand and important information is not lost. Likewise, high-resolution screens and projectors help to ensure that graphics and videos are displayed sharply and attractively.


Stuffy background noise, poor sound quality or distorted images look unprofessional and distract your audience. In addition, modern presentation programs allow you to design your content flexibly and incorporate interactive elements such as surveys or animations. You should therefore invest in reliable technology and carry out a comprehensive technology check in advance to avoid any glitches during the presentation and ensure that everything runs smoothly.

Give good presentations with ComPeri

We at ComPeri are happy to support you in giving the best possible presentations. In our ComPeri online shop you will find a wide range of high-quality presentation technology. Especially in today's working world 4.0, where successful online meetings are part of everyday life, the right technical equipment is a must.


We can help you find the right video conference camera and the best presentation programs so that your next presentation runs smoothly! Our services include the design, installation and regular maintenance of your technical equipment. Contact us so that you can soon give exceptional presentations using the right presentation technology.